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Bergen Medical

Frequently Asked Questions

Please take a moment to read our most commonly asked questions. We're always available to answer your questions and encourage you to contact our office if you have a question that is not answered below.


  • What days are you open?

    Our office is open Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM. As our daily schedule is subject to change, please call to confirm office hours.

  • Are you accepting new patients?

    Yes, We are excited that you have chosen us for your medical care. We look forward to meeting you and providing the quality, comprehensive medical care you expect and deserve.

  • How do I make an appointment?

    To make an appointment please call our office. To ensure the best use of time, for our physician and patients, we schedule most of our office visits. However patients who walk in with a non-emergency condition will be fit into the existing schedule as best as possible, or they will be asked to return later in the day when the schedule allows.all of our office visits are. We ask that you arrive at our office 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. This will allow you to complete any necessary paperwork and to update any demographic and insurance changes. If you must cancel an appointment, please notify us as soon as possible so we can offer that time to someone else.

    Emergencies arise. We will advise you if there is going to be a delay in seeing you. If your schedule won't allow you to wait, we will be happy to reschedule your appointment. We do appreciate your patience and cooperation during our busy times and we will make every effort to keep your wait time to a minimum.

  • Do you accept my health insurance plan?

    Advocare participates with most major insurance plans. As participation varies by region, specialty, and physician, we recommend that you contact either our office or your insurance company representative to verify that your insurance plan is accepted.

  • How do we contact the doctor after hours?

    There is a nurse triage service available after hours to take your call and answer your questions. Call the main office number, and our answering service will help you with your questions. 


  • When will I receive lab or test results?

    You will receive a call quickly with any lab results that require urgent attention. Other abnormal lab results will be addressed promptly by the provider that ordered the labs or tests. Sometimes, abnormal lab results require office follow up with the ordering physician. Normal values are usually not reported, however, you are welcome to call our office to request a copy of your results or to speak with the doctor about the results.

  • How do I obtain a prescription refill?

    Please call our office or use the Patient Portal to submit a medication refill request. Allow one business day for all routine prescription refills. For prescriptions that require prior authorization from your insurance company, please plan ahead to allow at least three to five days for refill approval. Prescription refills for controlled substances such as pain medications are refilled Monday through Friday during regular business hours only.
  • What is osteoporosis and can I be tested?

    Osteoporosis is a silent disease with no symptoms until a bone breaks. In the United States 28 million people are at high risk of developing osteoporosis. Women are at the greatest risk, especially after menopause, when their risk of suffering a spine or femur fracture is 30%.
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